We take immense pride in the quality of our team and the compassionate services they provide to our clients. The dedication and care that go into every interaction are truly reflected in the lives we’ve touched.
We invite you to read the powerful stories of survivors who have found support, hope, and healing through the services and events we offer. These testimonials are a testament to the commitment of our team to making a real difference.
Have you received support from 4 the Jewel N U? We encourage you to share your story with us! Whether you’ve attended an event, participated in one of our programs, or received transitional support, your testimony can inspire and uplift others who may be facing similar challenges. Your journey is important, and together we can continue to spread hope and healing.
Share your story and be part of our mission to empower survivors and transform lives.
Awww Karen this has made my day. Only if they all knew where and how u started this movement…. Because this is a movement meaning its going to move from city to city, coast to coast, and country to country in Jesus name. As I see this post it gives me courage, hope, a new level of humbleness, and boldness. U never gave up, u spoke with force, and u waited your turn. I bless God for you and this moment. Continue to walk and speak for her.
I did not know where to go just so someone would just listen and my cousin gave me your number, thank you for just listening and answering my calls no matter what time of night or day. I am not free, but I am getting there because of your encouragement and reminding me who I am, not only to myself but my 4 children.
Working with Karen Alston on her last project was not for us to be seen. She stated that at the beginning….
The passion and drive for what she does is evident in how she advocates and how she carries herself.
The documentary, “I Rise, Unashamed, and say No More” was a passion project that will leave a lasting impact and save many lives.
This was a very worthy passion and an organization that stands by its mission and purpose. It’s about saving lives and making a difference.
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS REAL I WILL NEVER FORGET THAT 1ST SLAP AND THEN HE SAID “I made him do it” years later it ranged in my ears as the untruth but to this day I pray for others that are in this situation. The parents, children, grandchildren, grandparents’ family period. The cover up. Dialogue helps others talk. I believe the exposure leads to closure and we all need a safe place to expose the ugly.
Keep pressing, Karen Alston. Thank you for all you do in the community to give voice to those who too often believe they are voiceless.
#nomore #ishallspeakforher
Her recognition and the progress and difference she is making with her dedication to spreading the word and fighting for such an important cause is well deserved. We shall Help spread the word..the awareness and be the voice of the voiceless. Nobody should have to be subject to any mental or physical abuse in any sort if relationship. I shall speak for her. Thank you Karen!