Remembering SHANTA SINGLETON and daughters ESSENCE STROMAN and TRE’VAY STROMAN. Jealousy can be a compelling force behind an abuser’s controlling behavior and should be well-thought-out as a red flag. Especially if it occurs repeatedly during the onset of your relationship. Jealousy becomes problematic when it’s triggered by delusions of perceived threats, or in other words, if one person becomes jealous even when no threat is present.
On May 17, 2020, according to the ABC News a South Carolina man kills Shanta Singleton in a jealous rage. As daughters, Essence (15 years old) and Tre’vay (12 years old), were trying to help their mom, he shot and killed them. Deputies found Essence Stroman dead inside a bedroom Sunday evening. The bodies of Shanta Singleton and Tre’vay Stroman were outside. Family and friends will always remember Shanta as a very hardworking and dedicated mother. Her beautiful daughters were shining light that reflected her love and devotion. We shall continue to lift up her surviving daughters. Want to remember a loved one, (anytime of the year) we welcome your story.

THE SURVIVOR’S HEART TESTIMONY: I am Toni! The headlines read “A JILTED boyfriend who tried to murder his ex-partner by sawing at her throat “like using a bread knife on an unsliced loaf” because she wouldn’t take him back has been jailed. My ex-boyfriend launched the brutal attack after climbing through an unlocked window in the middle of the night and pinned me down.
I was 29 years old at the time. He covered my mouth to keep me from screaming; and then he pulled out an eight-inch blade and viciously sawed at my neck. Yes, just like he was using a saw, back and forth, back, and forth. He only stopped this horrific attack when our nine-year-old son suddenly appeared at the door and asked him “what are you doing to mummy?”
Like our page and stay tune to hear directly from Toni, on how he planned this attack, and she got away on one of our upcoming broadcasts on 85.5fm The Beat Radio https://www.facebook.com/voice2voicesurvivors

THE SURVIVOR’S HEART TESTIMONY – I AM JENNIFER SOTO! Violence against women is typically motivated by the need to have power over and control an intimate partner. In the United States, 1 in 3 women experience domestic violence in the context of an intimate relationship.
I came out of the unthinkable , therefore I am a WINNER! I was heartbroken, scared, afflicted, anxious, shaky, etc. I was at one point or another 1 of the 3 women. After a while I looked in the mirror and realized…wow, after all the hurts, scars, and bruises, after all of those trials, I really made it through. I did it. I survived that which was supposed to kill me. So, I straightened my crown…and walked away like the QUEEN I was meant to be to my kids, and eventually someone out there. 12 years later – I have been happily married 6 yrs., I have 4 beautiful children, Successful background in management, and have been Self Employed for 2 years.And the person that I married it’s not only the love of my life, but my confidant, my greatest supporter, my backbone , my protector, my best friend.
You can recognize survivors of abuse by their courage. they step forward and share their truth so others will know they are not alone. Spread your wings and fight for the beautiful butterfly all of us are meant to be.?? Like our page and stay tune to hear directly from Toni, on how he planned this attack, and she got away on one of our upcoming broadcasts on 85.5fm The Beat Radio https://www.facebook.com/voice2voicesurvivors

The Late Keya Mitchell was born on April 4, 1978, and was 34 years old when she was violently shot 4 times by her abusive husband which resulted in her tragic death on August 19, 2012. Prior to Keya’s death she prepared a safety plan with the support of her cousin and current employer.
A few weeks before she was set to leave the State of Georgia, her husband began stalking her and broke into her car. They tried getting a restraining order but since his name was on the car title, he was breaking into his own property. Due to no documented proof of any previous physical abuse her request for the restraining order was denied. Yes, the restraining order was denied. So, the next step of her safety plan was to get out of Augusta, Georgia, as soon as possible.
On August 19, 2012, KEYA’S HUSBAND SHOT HER FOUR TIMES IN THE FACE … right in front of her mother. Keya’s mom was terminally ill with a rare bone disease. He shot her daughter and walked out the door.
After her death, her cousin and best friend, Monika Gauthier, created the K.E.Y.A. (Keep Empowering Yourself Abundantly) Foundation to honor Keya and make sure her voice would always be heard. To hear more of Keya’s story from her cousin and best friend, Monika, who vowed ‘I SHALL SPEAK 4 HER”, even from the grave … Like our page and stay tune to hear directly from Monika on one of our upcoming broadcasts on 85.5fm The Beat Radio https://www.facebook.com/voice2voicesurvivors

THE SURVIVOR’S HEART TESTIMONY – I AM JENNY and 57 years of age. I have been single by choice for a few years. I have learned it is better to be single & learn about yourself than to continually pick or draw the wrong people. I lived in a home where my father was a good man but when he drank, he became abusive to my mother & brother. Never to me, but those moments caused issues in my future.
I was sexually molested as a young girl by 2 different young men, both were sons of family friends. I was sexually assaulted/”date” raped by a male friend at 16. All or most of my relationships have been abusive in some manner either physically or mentally. My last long-term relationship was with my ex-husband, we were together for 14+ yrs. He was self-centered (narcissistic). I’ve been in therapy since 2014. I had a panic attack on aisle 3 of the grocery store. I didn’t know how to shop for meat. I made the wrong choices, so he did the shopping. I felt stupid & weak.
The mental & emotional abuse tore me down. A friend helped me realize I needed help. Thanks to God, He sent me the right therapist at the right time. She has helped me learn so much about myself & with God in my life I will continue to learn.
I have come to the point in my healing where I would like to speak out to help others & to help myself heal. God had this life chosen for me before I was born, it has taught me many things. I, Jenny, AM STRONG because of it. I AM A SURVIVOR! (This testimony was posted with consent of the survivor).

THE SURVIVORS’ HEART TESTIMONY: I AM ARIEL and I AM A CO-SURVIVOR because MADISON BISHOP was my sister! I SHALL forever SPEAK 4 HER … My sister meant the world to me. She was my “little” sister because she was two years younger than me. She would always joke that I was the older one. We joked and laughed all the time. Sometimes, we would just call each other and make funny voices or imitations of certain things and laugh for hours. Madison had a contagious laugh that will always be memorable .
She loved to cook. She was an AMAZING cook. She could cook anything, and I would eat it all. She loved all of the Real Housewives on Bravo. She had three amazing, beautiful children that meant the world to her. I will always remember my sister with her laugh and smiles. I miss her so much. It’s encountering pain every single day as I remember she is no longer here for me to hug, laugh with, or talk to. I miss my sister so much! I AM Ariel Bishop Snipes. To read more of her story: